Monday 20 January 2014

Props, Location and Setting (2)

 This shot shows the murderer holding a wrench and you can only see the bottom half of his body. This is a particularly effective shot a sthe main item in this shot is focused on the wrnech which is meant to be the murder weapon. The location is effective in a sense that you can see the darkness ahead, which could create the meaning that the murderer isn't going to find it difficult to find the woman again.

The weapon in this scene is the main object as it is hanging down beside him and he is slowly lifting the weapon up so he can move more freely with it. This might suggest that because he's a farmer, he has an experience on what he can use which isn't too heavy and he can still capture the woman once she has escaped.

This is the main weapon of our opening sequence. We are using the weapon as an inspiration from "The Shining" as we saw the scene of "Here's Johnny" and we thought the choice of weapon was useful for our opening sequence because its a weapon which can cause destruction.

This is one of the parts of the location we will be using. We saw this as effective because of the dark opening between the wall and the crate, and because it's a narrow path it would seem much more scary as it makes the audience wonder where the killer might be and they are prepared to be frightened.


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