Monday 20 January 2014

Props, Location and Setting

In this particular photo, you can see that the farmhouse is very small, but we will have enough space to be able to create a torture scene. We are going to use low key lighting for the scene as it creates that sense of fear when the audience are watching it.
 This is another photo from the pictures of our location. this is slightly more to the left and it shows the room from a different angle. The room is quite spacious so this means that we can use the location to our advantage as their is enough space for equipment and other items.

This is another angle from the farmhouse photo's. You can see that there is a lot of equipment which we can use to make the horror scene have our own distinct style. This photo creates a fuzzy style of our scene which could be effective as it creates a meaning of confusion and disorientation as there could be a hidden meaning behind it.

 In this photo you can see a variation of weapons and equipment which would be used by a farmer on a typical day to day basis. This is effective for our location as it shows a variety of props we can use for the murderer when he is slowly moving his hand above the weapons, deciding which one he is going to torture the girl with.

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