Wednesday 29 January 2014

Certificate BBFC Ratings

 The U symbol stands for Universal. Each individual film which is rated a U is for the ages of four and above. This film will consists of very mild language ("Bugger" or "Damn") and there will be very mild sexual activity, which would be the characters cuddling and kissing and maybe a reference to sexual activity such as "Making love". There is no horror in a U rated film, there will most likely be a sense of danger which migh cause emotional stress but then the characters will be saved and then this will re assure the audience.

The PG symbol sands for Parental guidance. This is for ages of 8 and above. There will be mild language in a PG rate film such as "shit" and "son of a bitch" but only in context to the conversation. There might be references to sex which lack in detail when spoken about. There might also be a comedy side to lessen the impact of a sexual reference. A PG film might include a jump scare an a minimal amount of blood, but not too realistic as this can cause stress in the audience. If there is a drug reference, there will be a clear message that drugs are bad and an educational message to stay away from them.
 There may be strong language in this film, words such as "fuck" are only appropriate in context of the conversation, if the character was using the phrase aggressively, it would be rated a 15. Sexual references are mild and there might be sexual nudity in a 12 or 12A film, but very brief ad discreet. Comedy may lessen the impact of some sexual references. Moderate violence is accepted and weapons might be present. Some horror films are passed in tis category. Dangerous behaviour might be present.

No one is allowed to watch a film under the age of 15 on a 15 certificate film. There is strong violence, a frequent use of strong language such as wods like "fuck". There might be portrayals of sexual activity and strong verbal references to sex. There might be a use of sexual nudity and some scenes of brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence. There could be a use of discriminatory language or behaviour
and drug taking is allowed.

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