Monday 27 January 2014

Camera Angles

Camera Angles

Extreme long shot.
Used for setting the scene. Usually change of location

Long shot.
Also called full shot. Can see the entire thing. Head at top feet at bottom.

Medium shot.
Waist up. Normally used for dialogue, show detail of action.

Fixed to Tripod, camera turns left – right, like people’s heads when playing tennis

Tracking shot.
Camera moves alongside action (follows a runner)

Like pan but vertically rather than horizontal.

Canted angle.
Camera is tilted; suggest instability

Zoom in/out.
When camera zooms into focus to detail, zoom out to reveal surrounding settings

High angle.
Above the action, gives general overview

Low angle.
Increase height of character, more intimidating

Eye level.
Camera positioned as from human eye, viewers focus

Birdseye view.
Shows seen from overhead, puts audience above action

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