Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Costume Analysis: Killer

 We are planning to use a sack as a mask as it is unusual and hides the killer's identity more effectively. This type of mask is effective  because you would normally see a sack which would carry certain vegetables or items, and in this case, the killer could be carrying the limbs of the victim or just to traumatise the victim. A character would be traumatised by the villain with the sack mask because it's very uncommon to see someone who looks like this in everyday life.

We are going to use ripped jeans as it looks like he might have been in a recent brawl or battle which has resulted in his jeans being damaged. We see jeans in every day life, even ripped jeans, but if they are bloodstained and a lot dirtier than usual, this might scare the audience. The sight of blood frightens the audience in man ways, whether they have a phobia of blood or they know that it's normally there because they have hurt themselves, or maybe someone has hurt them.

These shoes are ones which would be seen in a workplace or an open area like a field or a farm. The villain will be wearing boots because it shows tha he is working on something, but not anything particular. This could create the thought of the villain classing murdering and torturing as a part of his "work".

Iconography: Horror

Certificate BBFC Ratings (Continued)

 This is a certificate for a film which is for the ages of 18 and over. This film consists of very strong violence, frequent strong language such as words like "fuck" and/or very strong language. This also has strong portrayals of sexual activity and scenes of sexual violence. If the genre is horror, the film will have strong horror including strong blood and gore
and real sex (in some circumstances). It can aslo include discriminatory language and behaviour.

 Films which are rated R18 are sex works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation and which are only allowed to be shown in specially licensed cinemas, or sold in licensed sex shops. They can only been sold to people over the age of 18.

Preliminary Task: Storyboard

Certificate BBFC Ratings

 The U symbol stands for Universal. Each individual film which is rated a U is for the ages of four and above. This film will consists of very mild language ("Bugger" or "Damn") and there will be very mild sexual activity, which would be the characters cuddling and kissing and maybe a reference to sexual activity such as "Making love". There is no horror in a U rated film, there will most likely be a sense of danger which migh cause emotional stress but then the characters will be saved and then this will re assure the audience.

The PG symbol sands for Parental guidance. This is for ages of 8 and above. There will be mild language in a PG rate film such as "shit" and "son of a bitch" but only in context to the conversation. There might be references to sex which lack in detail when spoken about. There might also be a comedy side to lessen the impact of a sexual reference. A PG film might include a jump scare an a minimal amount of blood, but not too realistic as this can cause stress in the audience. If there is a drug reference, there will be a clear message that drugs are bad and an educational message to stay away from them.
 There may be strong language in this film, words such as "fuck" are only appropriate in context of the conversation, if the character was using the phrase aggressively, it would be rated a 15. Sexual references are mild and there might be sexual nudity in a 12 or 12A film, but very brief ad discreet. Comedy may lessen the impact of some sexual references. Moderate violence is accepted and weapons might be present. Some horror films are passed in tis category. Dangerous behaviour might be present.

No one is allowed to watch a film under the age of 15 on a 15 certificate film. There is strong violence, a frequent use of strong language such as wods like "fuck". There might be portrayals of sexual activity and strong verbal references to sex. There might be a use of sexual nudity and some scenes of brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence. There could be a use of discriminatory language or behaviour
and drug taking is allowed.

Iconic Horror Directors

On this website, it explains each individual horror director which is well known and famous for the films that they produced, with a description of what films they directed.

This website is effective as it also describes each film briefly and how popular it was at the time of when it was released.

History of horror

A brief history of Horror:

This video gives a brief description of past horror films, the directors of the films and how effective they are in a sense, giving some examples. He analsyes the most popular horrors of the time from the early 20th century up to the early 21st century, The early 20th century was known as the "Silent Era" and he described the famous directors who produced these films at this time.

Storyboard: Silentium

Monday, 27 January 2014

Camera Angles

Camera Angles

Extreme long shot.
Used for setting the scene. Usually change of location

Long shot.
Also called full shot. Can see the entire thing. Head at top feet at bottom.

Medium shot.
Waist up. Normally used for dialogue, show detail of action.

Fixed to Tripod, camera turns left – right, like people’s heads when playing tennis

Tracking shot.
Camera moves alongside action (follows a runner)

Like pan but vertically rather than horizontal.

Canted angle.
Camera is tilted; suggest instability

Zoom in/out.
When camera zooms into focus to detail, zoom out to reveal surrounding settings

High angle.
Above the action, gives general overview

Low angle.
Increase height of character, more intimidating

Eye level.
Camera positioned as from human eye, viewers focus

Birdseye view.
Shows seen from overhead, puts audience above action

Opening sequence script

Lewis Barnard
Jack Whyatt
Edited By
Lewis Barnard

FAde In:


The farmer walks toward the barn whilst dragging his victim. The farmer opens the barn door and switches on the lights. He places his victim onto a chair and ties her up, her arms are tied behind her and her legs are tied to the chair legs. The farmer places the props on a table in size order. He turns to the woman.


Do you want to be with me?


The farmer turns back to the table and continues placing the props on the table in size order.



What…… what do you mean?


The farmer stops putting the props in size order and turns around.


Do you want to be with me…… do you love me?


What happens to me if I say no I don’t want to be with you and I don’t love you?


Then I would have to get rid of you, but if you say yes then we can live together and spend the rest of our lives together. So what is it a yes or is it a no? (He pauses for a reply but no reply) I take that as a no then?


The farmer turns back to his table and continues to put the props in size order. The Woman looks around the room at the props around the place. The Farmer turns around with a prop knife in his right hand.



           (Hyperventilating shouts) YES I LOVE YOU

The Farmer drops the prop knife and run round the Woman on the chair and unties her she jumps for the knife (still attached to the chair) but can’t reach it. The Farmer starts to walk over to her, she is crawling along the floor to get the prop knife, the Farmer grabs her and slowly picks her up (by the chair) The woman slashes the farmers left leg he falls to the ground,  she starts to untie herself then stands up and opens the barn door and runs off. The Farmer struggles to get on his feet and with the aid of a prop he gets himself up.


You fucking Bitch, just you wait until I get you. All I wanted was us to be together but now you’ve blown it. Now…… now I have to get rid of you. Why…… why would you do such a thing, you Bitch.

The fild

The Woman is standing in the middle of the field looking around for help. The Farmer grabs a torch and stars limping in search of the woman.


(Mumbling to himself)

Oh, where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy?
Oh, where have you been, Charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife, she’s the joy of my whole life,
But she’s a young thing and cannot leave her Mother.


The Woman turned around and saw the barn light, She continued to walk in the opposite direction of the farm.
The third time she turned around the light was off.





The Farmer limps slowly towards the Woman, Woman sees the Farmer with the torch in one hand and the prop in the other. The woman runs in opposite direction and trips over some rocks, she tries to craw away.

Farmer approaches the woman and hits her over the head with the prop.


Fade out

Shooting Schedule

Requirements of a horror opening sequence

First Blood Productions

Our production company is going to be named "First Blood Productions" as it has relevance to the violence in the films created. Our film is based around a psychopathic farmer, and you would stereotype a psychopath to be a person who is isolated from society and like to cause a lot of trouble. Things such as torture remind us of a person with no morals or life aspirations, someone who has resulted in becoming a murderer due their failures in life.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Props, Location and Setting (2)

 This shot shows the murderer holding a wrench and you can only see the bottom half of his body. This is a particularly effective shot a sthe main item in this shot is focused on the wrnech which is meant to be the murder weapon. The location is effective in a sense that you can see the darkness ahead, which could create the meaning that the murderer isn't going to find it difficult to find the woman again.

The weapon in this scene is the main object as it is hanging down beside him and he is slowly lifting the weapon up so he can move more freely with it. This might suggest that because he's a farmer, he has an experience on what he can use which isn't too heavy and he can still capture the woman once she has escaped.

This is the main weapon of our opening sequence. We are using the weapon as an inspiration from "The Shining" as we saw the scene of "Here's Johnny" and we thought the choice of weapon was useful for our opening sequence because its a weapon which can cause destruction.

This is one of the parts of the location we will be using. We saw this as effective because of the dark opening between the wall and the crate, and because it's a narrow path it would seem much more scary as it makes the audience wonder where the killer might be and they are prepared to be frightened.


Props, Location and Setting

In this particular photo, you can see that the farmhouse is very small, but we will have enough space to be able to create a torture scene. We are going to use low key lighting for the scene as it creates that sense of fear when the audience are watching it.
 This is another photo from the pictures of our location. this is slightly more to the left and it shows the room from a different angle. The room is quite spacious so this means that we can use the location to our advantage as their is enough space for equipment and other items.

This is another angle from the farmhouse photo's. You can see that there is a lot of equipment which we can use to make the horror scene have our own distinct style. This photo creates a fuzzy style of our scene which could be effective as it creates a meaning of confusion and disorientation as there could be a hidden meaning behind it.

 In this photo you can see a variation of weapons and equipment which would be used by a farmer on a typical day to day basis. This is effective for our location as it shows a variety of props we can use for the murderer when he is slowly moving his hand above the weapons, deciding which one he is going to torture the girl with.