Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Social Class of Audiences and Qualitative and Quantitative studies


There are various different Media perspectives and what shows were the most and least popular. The word "Genre" specifically means a film/programme which is put in a category of similar plot perspectives. When creating an advertisement, the producers will focus on two groups, these are "Niche" and "Mass" groups. A "Niche" group is focused on a small group of people. For example, people who like Soap Operas could be classed as a small audience. A "Mass" group will focus around large areas of people. An example of this would be people who watch television as this would be classed as a large audience. It can also be dependent on the social class of a family. We have a set of classes which are Group A, Group B, Group C1, Group C2, Group D and Group E. This varies from Doctors to young children who are unemployed. This can have a particular effect on the target audience as the programme might be too sophisticated for a particular audience, therefore they have to consider these "Classes".

We researched into different online websites which advertised television programmes and movies. The "American Broadcasting Company" (ABC) promote series such as Wipe-Out, Secret Millionaire and The View.

We also learnt the meaning of Quantitative and Qualitative. The Quantitative study will focus on number based topics, and the questions will be closed to create the designated answer. Qualitative studies will analyse existing products and create open questions which will leave a wide range of answers, also leaving it to interpretation.

We then moved on to what perspective the audience see's the production as. Some audiences can be classed as "Critics" due to their high standard of analogy. This particular audience will also focus on other publicity such as text in magazines and Advertisements on television.

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