Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Golden rules for a successful blog

For this blog I am going to list down some rules so that by the end of this year I will have completed a well-constructed blog.

Rule Number one:

I need to make sure that my blog has a completed construction with clearly signposted responses to the evaluation questions. This is an important rule as candidates failed to label their work specifically.

Rule Number two:

This blog has to be well organised and it must include tags, making the navigation more accessible. Work that is created during class shouldn't be included on this blog.

Rule Number Three:

Research and planning are two key points to creating a successful blog. The blog must include lots of embedded videos and audios, with annotated images. There should be a prolonging improvement in each individual blog.

Rule Number Four:

There should be an on-going record of progress throughout the entire blog. The work shouldn't be left until the last moment and individual blogs should be completed over a period of time.

Rule Number Five:

Centers are encouraged to get candidates to analyse contemporary products, including uploading photos which have been edited to analyse. The work should have recorded weaknesses and strengths of each individual blog and the improvements which have been made.

Rule Number Six:

The blog must include peer feedback and group responses. This could be used as an audience question to enhance the completed product.

Rule Number Seven:

The work must include a range of formats which have been used creatively. The evaluation could include PowerPoint, Prezi, Video, and Audio and embedded documents to support the work. Including things such as integrating a screen shot in the blog.

Rule Number Eight:

The use of digital technology is required to finish the blog successfully. Making sure that that the responses are relevant is key when answering the question. Also, a variety of Media forms would create a successful product.

Rule Number Nine:

A strong depth of understanding of the question which features YouTube video responses will be key for getting a better final product. The blogging should include "a full interactive multimedia experience" so this includes navigation, sophistication of work, and different formats of work, group work and creative pieces.

Rule Number Ten:

The work should be consistent and it should show a creative journey or work and experiments throughout the entire course.

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