Monday 3 February 2014

Costume Analysis: Woman

red black checkered shirt
 This is what the woman is going to be wearing when she is at the farmhouse. She will have to be seen as a normal character who isn't seen as unusual. As she is the victim, we don't want the audience to be frightened by the victim, we want them to be terrified of the villain because of his distinct features and his traumatising actions. The character is from a upper class background and she is taken while she is walking home from her workplace. The colour of red represents blood and black normally represents death.

These are the shoes that our female character will be wearing as they are casual and they don't stand out too much. This will make the scene more tension building because the female character will find it difficult to run/escape from the hands of the villain. The character finally falls a the end of the opening sequence and the axe swings down.

We will be using casual jeans for the opening sequence as she has got to look like an innocent young woman who has no understanding of what is going on around her. She is going to look casual so tat the killer stands out a lot more. These jeans could suggest that she is a very organised person.


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