Wednesday 12 February 2014

Brainstorm of ideas: Opening Sequence

 We have considered a lot of ideas as there is a large range of ideas which come from the category "Horror". We were thinking of using an axe for a weapon and this reminded us of the scene from the film "The Shining" called "Here's Johnny!". This scene is an iconic scene of horror history as the victims can clearly see that Jack (Johnny) is clearly breaking the door down, but he says aggressively "Here's Johnny!" as he continues to hack through the door.

From the scene above, we have decided two main ideas. The first idea was a psychotic farmer who brings younger women back to his farmhouse, but if they don't declare their love for him, he will force them to stay and he will torture them. But when we film the opening sequence, the women (victim) is going to declare her love for him and then escape after she slashes his leg with a small knife. As the women quickly escapes the grasp of the killer, he begins to pull himself up and pull the axe with him. The woman is depserately trying to escape and then she falls on the floor and the farmer puts his foot on her chest and swings the axe down.

Our second idea was a psychopathic man who has a group of people who have gone into an "abandoned house" but they aren't fully aware of what's about to come along. In the task we could use short and quick clips to show movement and how each indicidual character gets picked off by the psychopath, and then when it gets to the final person, you can see the full view of the psychopath holding the axe. As the last character of the sequence moved back, this gives the psychopath enough room to swing the axe and then the title opening comes up when the axe is about to hit her.

We thought that these two ideas would be effective as they both have a similar conecpt to The Shining and they use the correct props that would frighten the audience. An axe is also seen as a tension building weapon, because it normally swings down slowly and aggressively, making the audience sit on the edge of their seat and witness a brutal murder.

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