Thursday 14 November 2013

Dawn of the Dead

Dawn of the dead

At the start of the opening titles, you can see a group of religious people praying in some kind of mosque. From this particular scene I can suggest that they are praying for foregiveness as a few seconds after, you see a detailed zombie which could link with why they are praying, they might be begging for survival of their friends or family.

You can clearly see that the outbreak of infection is spreading and the new reporters are telling the report globally, advising the population to evacuate the area as soon as possible. In some of the clips, the reporters are actually experiencing the attack while they are reporting it, which suggests that in most areas it has become over populated with this new species. A zombie is defined as an unrealistic human who thrives on flesh, and something like this we wouldn't see everyday, and that's why we would be frightened of them as its an unnatural behaviour of a human.

Setting: This setting is effective as it shows people trying to escape from large groups of flesh craving creatures and they are gradually gaining power. This is a perfect example of a zombie outbreak because it shows the effects of what could happen in the worst circumstances, and in this case they do this by getting the audience on the edge of their seat by making them feel isolated as if they were part of the catastrophe.

The editing in these opening credits is very common in the case of zombie films. They are disorientated and this could create a picture of all of the people left trying to escape desperately. As they are in such a mad panic, this could emphasise the disorientation as they are not thinking about what they are doing as all they are worried about is survival. The opening credits themself are actually edited so when they are moving out of the shot, they symoblise a line of blood which suggests that its a violent, but the colour red symbolises evil in my opinion, so this new species isn't a kind that they can co operate with.

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