Wednesday 23 October 2013

Preliminary task: Editing with Harry Clarke (Completed)

We are currently working in our AS Media class and Harry is sorting out each part of the scene into chronological order and then he has rendered each of the clips. The video above is the completed preliminary task, there are some things we need to improve such as the sound quality and we could of included many more shots to create more meaning.

 Also another fault of ours was that we forgot to crop some of the clips so there is an outtake in the last clip. At some points, the camera was canted and slightly blurred, but nevertheless this created a stronger scene as the scene was meant to create a dark and mysetrious effect.

The dailogue didn't flow effectively as the transitions between each clip were't smooth and they weren't cropped as well as they could of been, and when the clips were being recorded, the length of some of the clips were quite short and difficult to edit.

 However, Harry's use of editing and audio made the preliminary task more eye cacthing and effective as he used a variety of effects and transitions.

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